11 Days!

With just eleven days to go until my novel is released, I can’t tell you how I’m feeling. The excitement is unreal to know that my story, something that I’ve created and brought up from a young short story has made it into maturity as a full blown young adult novel and is about to get out there. I suppose that’s exactly it. I’m letting my baby out into the big-wide world for the first time and you know what, it’s a little scary!

I’m excited that other people are going to get to read Amanda’s story, but at the same time I hope they enjoy it in the same way that I enjoyed writing it. Let’s just hope the world likes it!

In the mean time I am busying myself with nano. I have to be honest and admit I’m a little behind. Up until Fri I was actually ahead but this weekend has brought two twelve hours shifts and a sleepy Alice so unfortunately, I haven’t been able to write. Well, except snatches of something here and there. And actually, that something isn’t too bad and it’s pretty emotional! Let’s hope I can catch up tomorrow (which is what my plan is!)